神經保護 Neuroprotective activity


論文名稱:Antrodia camphorata prevents rat pheochromocytoma cells from serum deprivation-induced apoptosis

出  處:FEMS Microbiol Lett.

作  者:Huang NK1, Cheng JJ, Lai WL, Lu MK.

出 版 年: 2005 Mar

分  類:神經保護 Neuroprotective activity


論文名稱:Adenosine as an active component of Antrodia cinnamomea that prevents rat PC12 cells from serum deprivation-induced apoptosis through the activation of adenosine A2A receptors

出  處:Life Sci.

作  者:Lu MK1, Cheng JJ, Lai WL, Lin YR, Huang NK

出 版 年:2006 Jun 13

分  類:神經保護 Neuroprotective activity


論文名稱:Neuroprotective Diterpenes from the Fruiting Body of Antrodia camphorata

出  處:J Nat Prod

作  者:Chen CC1, Shiao YJ, Lin RD, Shao YY, Lai MN, Lin CC, Ng LT, Kuo YH.

出 版 年: 2006 Apr

分  類:神經保護 Neuroprotective activity


論文名稱:Fermented Antrodia cinnamomea Extract Protects Rat PC12 Cells from Serum Deprivation-Induced Apoptosis: The Role of the MAPK Family†

出  處:J Agric Food Chem

作  者:Lu MK1, Cheng JJ, Lai WL, Lin YJ, Huang NK.

出 版 年:2008 Feb 13

分  類:神經保護 Neuroprotective activity


論文名稱:Antrodia cinnamomea Exhibits a Potent Neuroprotective Effect in the PC12 Cell-Aβ25–35 Model – Pharmacologically through Adenosine Receptors and Mitochondrial Pathway

出  處:Planta Med.

作  者:Chang CH1, Wang HE, Liaw PY, Peng CC, Peng RY.

出 版 年:2012 Nov

分  類:神經保護 Neuroprotective activity


論文名稱:In vitro and in vivo comparisons of the effects of the fruiting body and mycelium of Antrodia camphorata against amyloid β-protein-induced neurotoxicity and memory impairment

出  處:Appl Microbiol Biotechnol.

作  者:Wang LC1, Wang SE, Wang JJ, Tsai TY, Lin CH, Pan TM, Lee CL.

出 版 年:2012 Jun

分  類:神經保護 Neuroprotective activity 


論文名稱:Extract of Antrodia camphorata exerts neuroprotection against embolic stroke in rats without causing the risk of hemorrhagic incidence.

出  處:ScientificWorldJournal.

作  者:Lee YM1, Chang CY2, Yen TL3, Geraldine P4, Lan CC5, Sheu JR3, Lee JJ6.

出 版 年:2014

分  類:神經保護 Neuroprotective activity 


論文名稱:Antrodia camphorata Potentiates Neuroprotection against Cerebral Ischemia in Rats via Downregulation of iNOS/HO-1/Bax and Activated Caspase-3 and Inhibition of Hydroxyl Radical Formation.

出  處:Evid Based Complement Alternat Med.

作  者:Yang PS1, Lin PY2, Chang CC3, Yu MC4, Yen TL4, Lan CC5, Jayakumar T4, Yang CH6.

出 版 年:2015

分  類:神經保護 Neuroprotective activity 


論文名稱:Antroquinonol Lowers Brain Amyloid-β Levels and Improves Spatial Learning and Memory in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease.

出  處:Sci Rep.

作  者:Chang WH1, Chen MC2, Cheng IH1,3,4.

出 版 年:2015 Oct 15

分  類:神經保護 Neuroprotective activity